Category Archives: Disease

Live births, something to keep an eye on.

Here we have the CDC’s data on basic lives gained and lost in the nation, excluding illegal invasion, etc. since Jan of 2020, there have been on average 301k live births per month. The standard deviation is a bit less than 13k, but let’s call it that. They have ben offering the not-vaxx to women of childbearing age for ~4-5 months now. The early reports on miscarriages if vaxed in the first trimester were indicating something like 4/5 pregnancies were lost, compared to the more typical 1/5. No major stories about any big change if vaxxed in the 3rd trimester. There is a reporting lag in the data of 4-5 months. Pregnancy is, of course, 9 months on average. Continue reading Live births, something to keep an eye on.

A brilliant summary of the vax problem

I cannot say if this summary is 100% accurate, but it feels right and explains a lot of what we are seeing out there in the real world. If true, and it should not take long for the right types of Docs to see it and check it out, then while some kinds of damage the spikes do may be irreversible, much of it may be mitigatable, and the Seven Kill Tiger scenario is unlikely with proper actions in the near future. (click to embiggen) Continue reading A brilliant summary of the vax problem

Mid-term view of the disease course

As I continue to update my Plague Page with various stories and links related to the WuhanFlu, Cov19, Kung Flu, Sino-Lung Rot, I see a lot of hype, but also a lot of more cautious data, as well as a whole lot of things from “out of the blue,” anecdotal things, and rabbit-holes related to disease, vaccines in general, health, and the immune system. Here is my current big-picture take on the expected course of things. Continue reading Mid-term view of the disease course

Interview with DR. Judy Mikovits

She has a pretty impressive resume. The Powers That Be have tried to destroy her, discredit her, etc. She’s got a lot of background into on vaccinations and disease in general, things that lead us to where we are today with the Wuhan Flu. Here’s an interview, and then a list of books that may have to add to my ever-growing reading list. Continue reading Interview with DR. Judy Mikovits

Vaxx Map

Assuming these numbers are correct, which is debatable but it’s the data we have, what leaps out at you? So, China claims to have been hit very hard, had videos of people collapsing in the street, etc., and yet it appears that the vaxx rates in their enemies are the highest? I can’t imagine why Mongolia is as high as it is, with loads of resources and a resurgent nationalism and sense of identity, right on China’s border with Russia, might get priority shipments, can you? Competitors, resources rich nations, etc. tend to have high vaxx rates. wonder why that might be, while China still has a vaxx rate in the single digits.