Monthly Archives: April 2021

Framework of History

An idea, a proposal, a thought…..

Our current history textbooks for typical school-age kids are total crap for all sorts of reasons. But what do you replace them with? There are a lots of good books with the stories of history within them, but precious few really good school-age textbooks. The kids are drown in a sea of irrelevant details and trivia contained within a huge tree-killer tome filled with bold and underlined key words and colorful pictures, but have no idea about the larger sweep of history for context. What’s needed is a “framework” to hang all those details of events, ideas, people, battles, dates, and so-forth on. So…. here it is, at least in rough-draft brain-storming outline: Continue reading Framework of History

QOTD, multiculturalism by Special Guest Star

Every people has different capabilities and those capabilities plus their environment lead to a specific culture. And each culture has a certain tolerance for what is allowed, and crafts a legal system to correct those who fall outside that band of tolerance.

When you then put two different cultures into the same polity, laws must be more explicit and numerous, because the concomitant bands of tolerable behavior are smaller than either one individually.

Ergo the band of tolerable behavior is necessarily smaller. Ergo the legal system must change to punish the each culture, but especially the culture with the greater amount of tolerance.

The more cultures that are added, the more stringent the legal code. Eventually the formerly-dominant system is blended out of existence. In our case, that’s assumption of innocence, reason, logic, evidence, rhetorical battle, and so forth. That was white person’s law. It’s gone.

Diversity killed it. No one had to affirmatively kill it; it is a downstream effect of diversity.

Special Guest Star, on Gab