Monthly Archives: May 2021

A couple of new Kung Flu articles of interest

I added them to the Plague Page.

First: the mRNA spike protein in the not-Vax is a prime culprit in the disease symptoms. So, uh, yeah. No not-vax for me or mine. OTOH, the good news is that some of the same therapies for the full virus like D3, zinc, C, HCQ, and Ivermectin, should still work.

Second: Things I’ve seen myself, but now we know they can’t plead total ignorance. Some indication in Pfizer’s vaccine trial documentation that spread of adverse effects from vaccinated to unvaccinated possible.

Third: research into the lockdowns say they are ineffective. Multiple studies listed.

Fourth: So very sad and unnecessaryPfizer begins COVID vaccine trials on children with almost 3,000 participants, and already a 15 year old boy is dead of cardiac failure and a 16 year old girl died of pulmonary embolism.

One day this will be looked back on as a major step toward the Great Awakening.