It looks like I made the final ballot for the Campbell Award for best new sci-fi writer. With only one published book (and one short story, also in the same universe) I figure I’m a long shot, even if I have a sequel, a prequel, and a children’s historical book scheduled for this year. In any case, even getting to the final ballot short-list is an honor… Well, interesting, anyway. No clue what the competition is like, but it should be fun to watch unfold. I can almost hear some brains exploding from here.
Also on the list: Wesley Chu*, Jason Cordova, Kary English*, Eric S. Raymond (*Finalists in their 2nd year of eligibility.)
Mixed words on making the short list for the Prometheus. But as I hear the competition is strong this year, so I’m a long-shot there, too. But how many people manage to make both a “best new X” list at the same time they make the list for some other category in the field competing against long-time pros?
Just getting nominated for either award is proof the universe has a twisted sense of humor. If I happen to win, I know that my little corner of the cosmos is a very strange one. Not a bad one, mind you, just more than a little bit odd.
ESR’s story was good, and I expect more and better from him, but it can’t compare to Stars, if for no other reason than it was a short, and not a novel. If in included in the packet, I’ll read the other nominees, but I shall be surprised if any of them are even close to as good as your work.
I’m eagerly awaiting the rework of your novel and hoping for an eventual hard copy.
Yes, I liked ESR’s story, and I’m actually emailing him now about a sequel / follow-up story, sort of agaming out “then what” actions that would also make a good story. It’s fun to talk to someone that meets your idea with “yeah, we thought about that, but here’s the problem…”, but then suddenly sees another trivial (to me) work-around in a “hey, that’s interesting!” light… I can see why some people partner up to write. To be honest, I know nothing about the others, other than that they are relative newcomers, like me.
The rework is done. (It has been done for a while, actually, but the editor had been having a hard time editing it. Long story I’ll likely share some time.) Should be out this month if the art Gods are OK with it (they are just working on cover art). Sequel, too, unless some rework needs to be done. I expect I’ll manage to finish the YA-ish prequel this summer, then have it edited and out in the fall.