The prose rewrite of the first half of The Stars Came Back, called “Back from the dead,” is now available on Amazon and directly from Castalia House.
The prose rewrite of the first half of The Stars Came Back, called “Back from the dead,” is now available on Amazon and directly from Castalia House.
I see Castalia no longer lists the original format edition, but Amazon still does.
Any reason to pick one supplier over another? “Cut out the middleman” seems like a way to help Castalia. Right?
I get a bit more money from Castalia purchases. I get a higher sales rank on Amazon from Amazon purchases, and you can leave a “verified purchaser” review if you buy from Amazon. Right now, trying to get it up in the sales ranks, the latter might be a bit better… but a review (when bought from either source) would be the best thing 🙂
Dear Rolf,
A heads up: Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit blog) just posted a comment about your book on the way to him. Many, many folks (including myself) make Instapundit a regular stop every day.
All my best,
Ah, thanks. I was busy enough between deer hunting season (no luck) and teaching (the review system is really strange) and parents (driving them around looking at retirement residences) I’ve not had a chance to do much writing or reading or blogging, or much more than breathing. 🙂
More than 500 copies of Back From The Dead sold.