Elevator Pitch

The “elevator pitch” for a product is what you say if you find yourself in an elevator with a potential buyer or investor. It is something that has to get to the core of the item, pique  their interest, and be very brief. It has to grab the attention, give enough to make them want more, not give away to much, and it must not misrepresent the item. I’ve been working on it a little bit, trying to get it “just right,” with enough mystery and enough “feel for the story” in a few brief lines. The current version is over on the main The Stars Came Back topic page, and below. Let me know what you think of it.

Helton Strom is a fairly ordinary guy who runs afoul of officialdom and space pirates. He is left with nothing but his wits and the clothes on his back, without so much as planetary citizenship left to his name. Is the ugly, ancient, broken down military surplus starship he wins in a card game the key to a bright future hauling passengers and cargo between planets, or will his repairs allow the demons lurking in the ship’s murky and lethal past be reawakened to come back and deliver a world of destruction?


1 thought on “Elevator Pitch

  1. Updated version:
    Helton Strom is a fairly ordinary guy who runs afoul of officialdom and gets jumped by space pirates. He is left with nothing but his wits and the clothes on his back, without even citizenship to his name. Is the ancient, broken down military surplus starship the key to a bright future, or will his repairs and new acquaintances reawaken the demons lurking in the ship’s murky and lethal past to come back and deliver a world of destruction?

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