One of the themes in TSCB is that elections only work with informed, intelligent voters. If they are ignorant, either by choice of by gaslighting, delusion, illusion, sloth, or any other reason, then bad people can gain power. Democracy isn’t a panacea. At the end of TSCB, Taj, Helton, and the crew were sending out an information blast that couldn’t be ignored, a massive and targeted information dump to enlightened the abused.
I’ve been following this election for a while – being unemployed has given me a little extra time to watching things – and I’m of the opinion that such an information blast would be unlikely to work. It’s too much, too fast, too big. It presents too much of a change in world-view. People pull back from a hand extended to help them if the hand being put forth is too big, gnarled, and dangerous-looking. Short of divine interventions, people don’t react well to paradigm shifts; they don’t do so well even with divine intervention. They need to be brought around slowly, shown things a bit at a time, things they can buy into, things they can believe, from people they find credible, to slowly build a foundation.
Two weeks ago, Alex Jones of Info Wars was some conspiracy nut-job. Now? I’m not so sure. In fact, I’m sure he’s right about some things. Yet I talk to people and they simply assume that because the FBI didn’t get the DoJ to press charges, there must literally be nothing but a witch-hunt there in any of it, and Hillary is a dream candidate. They look at each little billow of smoke, for years and years and year, and see no possibility at all of any fire because they see no convictions. If you try to cut straight to Satanism and child trafficking, they laugh at you. If you even try to point out Ortel’s take-down of the Clinton Foundation, they just dismiss it saying “if it’s so bad, why are there no charges filed?” They can’t even entertain the possibility of the DoJ, the FBI, and a few high-ranking politicians being in the scheme together. It’s not possible, they say, “checks and balances” they cry, when it’s more “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.” You can’t reason them anywhere.
They will not believe until there is not just blood in the streets, the blood will need to be on THEIR street. It’s amazing how closed minded “open-minded” people can be. And while that presents a lot of opportunities for plot-lines, it also makes for some real dilemmas in real life.