A shameless plug of self-promotion post. Today only (14 Dec).
Castalia House is running a 1+1 Christmas sale: buy one physical book (hardbound or paperback) and get one free Castalia House e-book (details at the link). In fact if you want to buy more than one physical book, you can get an equal number of e-books without limit (well, other than the number of titles they have out, of course). Since Back From The Dead (the first half of The Stars Came Back) is now out in print it’s an eligible item. So if you are a reader, or know readers and are looking for a gift, here’s an opportunity.
A good-sized list of books, and I have yet to read a bad Castalia House product.
Hi Rolf, I will read the screenplay this week and I will get back to you. We can then talk about it, here is the trailer for a current project I am finishing up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtoabgmic08&t=15s