Of bullets and books

I went deer hunting this weekend. Had success, though it was the smallest 3-pt mule deer I’ve ever shot. On the positive side, it was a clean kill that dropped him almost in his tracks (he maybe went 5 yards) with very little meat spoilage. It was also the man-cub’s first hunting trip (just as an observer/assistant, not yet with his own license) where he had the chance to see a kill first-hand and help with the field dressing and butchering of a deer. The recovered bullet had about 62% weight retention (111 gr recovered, 180 gr leaving the barrel, .30-06 Springfield, max mushroom diameter .490″). The deer was facing me, a slightly quartering shot; the bullet enter the rib cage next to the sternum, blew the top of his heart off, fragments shredded the lungs and diaphragm (AKA skirt steak), the main path of the bullet carried it to a stop in the opposite rear quarter muscles, where it was finally recovered at home while doing final butchering and packaging for the freezer. The weather for the hunt was nice (if windy), and it all worked out quite well. We got home and finished processing it all the same day, and went to bed tired but cleaned up and done.

(L to R: Unfired ’06 round, empty case, remains of Remington Core-Lokt slug)

All of that has nothing to do with books.

But what does have something to do with books was talking to some of the guys who were hunting on nearby property. We see one another every hunting season, and spend some time the night before opening day, and some evenings during the season, talking about life, politics, and all the normal things that can come up in hunting-camp conversations. One of the guys there had worked for the border patrol in AZ, and was more than a little interested in current political events. It was nice to meet someone who already knew who Yuri Bezmenov was. Over the course of the evening, I mentioned a number of books that addressed some of the topics of mutual interest which he’d brought up, but books he was not familiar with. So, here is the list of books that we’d hit on, in no particular order.

“The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer

“Cynical Theories…” by Helen Pluckrose and James A. Lindsay

“Gulag Archipelago” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“1984” by George Orwell

“Heretics of St. Possenti” by Rolf Nelson

“Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy…” by M. Stanton Evans

“Spies: the rise and fall of the KGB in America” by Haynes, Klehr, et al.

“Democrat to Deplorable: Why Nine Million… ” by Jack Murphy

“A Man Most Driven: Captain John Smith….  by Peter Firstbrook

“Black Slaveowners: Free Black Slave Masters…” by Larry Koger

“The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics:…” by Anonymous Conservative

“White Cargo: The Forgotten History … ” by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

“Equality: The Impossible Quest” by Martin Van Creveld

“Hitler in Hell” by Martin Van Creveld

“SJWs Always Lie:…” by Vox Day (actually, pretty much anything by him is good)

“The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control…” by Joost Meerloo

(those are the ones I can remember, anyway. A lot of inter-related topics and ideas)

Q-Anon and conservative web-sites and stuff:

2 thoughts on “Of bullets and books

  1. Good old core-lokts. It’s amazing how well the un-fancy things still work just fine. I’m a big fan of Nosler Partitions my self. Big ugly lead nose and all.
    May you and your cub have many years of good hunting!

    1. Thanks. Yes, I’m hoping he’ll have enough range time to have confidence in his accuracy in the field, and next year he can pack heat chasing Bambi.

      Yes, I like Partitions better too, but Core-Lokt has been around since the 1930s, and works well enough for deer at a lower cost. I load the Partitions in the 6.5×55, where the bullet weight starts off so much lower. Had great luck with them, too. If I were in bear country, or chasing heavier game, I’d use a premium (by modern standards) bullet. As it is, budget projectiles still got the job done properly, because I did my part correctly with bullet placement.

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