A lot of stuff has been bubbling up to the surface in the last few months about vaccines in general. Turns out a FDA whistleblower has been under protection since revealing the official investigation into the autism-vaccine link was fraudulent; there is a link. Today, from AC come this entry.
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An interesting video looking at a study of health outcomes of the unvaccinated which found those who were vaccinated as children had twice as many developmental delays, three times as many gastrointestital disorders, 50% more ear infections, and 273% more likely to have athsma. Another study produced eye-popping graphs that show once vaccinated, the graph of office visits for a ton of disorders goes skyward for the vaccinated, as it stays low for those who were never vaccinated. This phenomenon included such disorders as ADHD, behavioral issues, and especially Autism, which was miniscule in the unvaccinated. And these were not even true unvaccinated, but rather were “less vaccinated” as some took some vaccines, just not the full CDC schedule. A third study looked at the fully unvaccinated, and found where vaccinated kids had 27% with a chronic health condition, only less than 6% of the non-vaccinated had a chronic health condition. And where vaccinated had 6.66% with multiple chronic health conditions, only .94% had multiple chronic health conditions among unvaccinated. Eye alignment issues were 2.0% vs .16%, and none of the vaccine-free kids had cancer, and none of the vaccine free adults had cancer (many cancers do have an inflammatory component). This video will blow your mind, and is a pretty strong datapoint I’d factor in if I had a newborn. Increasingly, societal withdrawal to a wilderness environment with home schooling seems the only viable option to live a good life. And I am beginning to understand why Bill Gates didn’t vaccinate his own children. Website for the video maker is here, since I assume this will get memory holed pretty quickly.
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One of my kids had eye alignment problems that showed up rather suddenly around 2 years of age, the other had chronic ear infections for a while, resulting in tubes.
If I had kids today, I would absolutely insist on three things WRT to vaccinations:
- Use an alternate vaccine schedule to slow down the timing, and give many of them significantly later than they are now typically given.
- Use an alternate vaccine schedule to spread them out, for example making 12 trips to the doc for 12 shots once per month, rather than 3 shots each time at quarterly visits. This reduces the level of adjuvants and “inert” ingredients in the mix provoking their immune system if nothing else.
- Reduce the huge number of vaccines given to the bare minimum of truly dangerous diseases, and skipping those for diseases that are usually nothing more than an inconvenience.
update: Dr Sears alternate vaccine schedule.
Also, Dr Sears “The Vaccine Book”; not the be-all and end all, but many people swear by it. There are other alternatives as well.