Now, to start with, I know there are no AR-15s in the Bible, or the whole “David and Goliath” scene would not have been nearly as impressive. But I do think that an analysis of modern news reporting failures can shed some light on certain Biblical events. Yeah, it seems simple enough, until you think about it in real-world terms. Continue reading The Biblical “AR15 Problem,” or, “Peter’s Pig-sticker”
Category Archives: Heretics of St Possenti
Heretics back up
Publishing rights for Heretics of St. Possenti have been returned to me from Castalia House, and it’s now back up in digital form as a self-published book. The reviews have not yet been transferred over, but that should hopefully happen in a day or two.
There are, as of the time of this post going up, still a couple of the physical print editions up for sale, which still have the reviews. That will get fixed sometime soon, too. If you want to snag a “collectable Castalia House publisher edition” copy, now’s the time.
I will be getting it up in paperback in due course, along with everything else on my digital bookshelf, now that some things are a bit more sorted out.
supporting the Order of St. Possenti
They now have a PayPal account set up for taking donations. Yes, i know, PayPal isn’t exactly the most Christian Conservative org, but they are someone a lot of people uses, are comfortable with, and because it’s a charitable org they forgo the usual percentage so it’s efficient. I’m sure there will be other ways later and the order, the site, and payment options evolve over time as the world changes the incentives involved.
Excerpt from Insanity’s Children, re: St Possenti
Brothers in Arms
Brother Libra sat alone in the officer’s mess, quietly saying a prayer over a middle-of-the-night meal of warmed something, the result of Kwon’s experiments. “… and please let this be a reward for a hard day’s work, not a penitence for some forgotten uncharitable thought, like the last one. Amen.” Around him, the ship vibrated faintly as it flew silently through the watery depths back to hopefully useful territory. As he finished his prayer Moffett walked in looking worn out and sleepless, carrying a mug of soup with a spoon sticking out of it. Libra waved him to a seat and waited for him to take it. Moffett looked across the table at him uncertainly and vaguely crossed himself, as if he half expected to be asked to, making Libra smile and nod in acknowledgment and approval of the gesture. Once again it could be observed that there are few atheists in a foxhole.
Continue reading Excerpt from Insanity’s Children, re: St Possenti
Heretics now out in paperback
Heretics of St. Possenti, the story of the founding of the eponymous order of monks, is now out in paperback.
Which of these is not like the other
St Possenti, Order of…. is real
It is an odd world I live in. Inspired by my book, Heretics of St. Possenti, real men, initially led by a Salvation Army officer, worked to bring the order into existence, for real. It’s formal birthday before God is on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, 2019. Formal paperwork to satisfy the bureaucratic goblins of State will be filed soon, too. It’s mission will be help vets who need spiritual guidance and support as much as physical rescuing.
The founders include Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox members. The initiates will receive a couple of months “comparative religion” teaching, then will pick their course from the three. It may be the only monastery in existence with separate chapels from the three dominant Christian denominations within its walls. While I’m not a particularly religious man, I think it worthwhile to pray for this endeavor, and wish it the absolute best in both helping the men it aims at, and the schismed churches it draws from.
It is being formally created on this day, at this time, in commemoration of Veterans’ Day, a remembrance of the sacrifices the military vets the world over have made for their countries, people, and families. Not all who suffer in war died on the battlefield, but all deserve support, and I hope they can make the best sense of their experience they can.
Interesting Heretics review
Heretics of St. Possenti just acquired a new review. The first two-star. To say that it’s, er, “interesting” is an understatement. Have a look.
Not a verified purchase. Nothing specific. Pretentious, self-important phrasing. Appears to equate “Christian” with “white,” in spite of some of the characters quite explicitly being of non-white ethnicity, like the Aziz, the Coptic Egyptian, and Master Wang. Quite likely more than a bit of projection. Seems to have misunderstood… well, nearly the whole thing. But then, it wasn’t aimed at fools, morons, or females, so I guess that is not unexpected from someone who is a major contributor to comments and reviews in the “makeup” category on Amazon. Makeup – the very definition of “false face.”
Heresy : noun- (1) An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member.
(2) Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine.
(3) A controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as in politics, philosophy, or science.
Heretic: A person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. Continue reading Heresy
Sorry for no updates in a while. Many things going on in life right now.
In story-related news, Heretics of St Possenti is now out in audiobook format!
In related news, Paul sent me an email with the following:
Miguel had an interesting article:
It links to an American Psychological Association paper The abstract includes this:
“A final problematic assumption is that avoiding trauma reminders is healthy. The opposite is true. Avoidance behaviors make PTSD worse, and effective treatments include safe exposure to thoughts and feelings related to the trauma.”
now all I need is a real job with a support-a-family-sized paycheck, and for my mom to get well enough to get out of the hospital (relatively minor stroke, now in rehab with a pacemaker; doing well, all considered).