Now, to start with, I know there are no AR-15s in the Bible, or the whole “David and Goliath” scene would not have been nearly as impressive. But I do think that an analysis of modern news reporting failures can shed some light on certain Biblical events. Yeah, it seems simple enough, until you think about it in real-world terms. Continue reading The Biblical “AR15 Problem,” or, “Peter’s Pig-sticker”
Category Archives: History
Sending your kids to die for ZOG
“The US will have to send their sons and daughters… and they will have to fight, because it’s NATO we’re talking about.” – Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
The RUS-UKR war is a meat grinder, particularly on the UKR side. The more I learn about the last 1.5 centuries of military and political history, the more I think that is actually one of the main goals. Kill off young men, particularly healthy, creative, Christian, disciplined and honorable white men. Not the only goal, to be sure, but a significant one. “War is a racket,” said Smedley Butler long ago in the book of that title, and a very profitable one. But what can make it even more profitable is if you can kill off your domestic competition in the trenches, too. Continue reading Sending your kids to die for ZOG
How and why education “suddenly” went Marxist
Sometimes you watch events happen in real time and it looks absolutely insane and inexplicable, totally at odds with any sort of reasonable and observable reality. You search in vain for any sort of coherent explanation that doesn’t sound to a normie like a total wingnut conspiracy theory, even if you think you have the broad strokes correct. Such is the case with modern “education” in America, where it’s got totally off the rails and deep into a bizarre inverted funhouse-mirror world of Marxist dysfunction, where the teachers and admins appear normal in some ways, but act like total blind cult devotees in others. Continue reading How and why education “suddenly” went Marxist
Interesting bit of news. The National Counterintelligence and Security Center posted a missive that acknowledged widespread infiltration to gain information on everything, and control of key control points of the economy and government as well. The image of it:
200 YT
HA! Found a copy of the full text of “200 Years Together” in English, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. All of its nearly 8.5″ x 11″ 800 pages.
It is also at the Internet Archive, here. They also have the redacted version there, which is missing some 300 or so pages.
The Russian-language version is available in book form, but there has been a lot of pressure in certain circles to omit several parts in any English version because they reflect badly on certain ethnic groups. Inaccuracy is never shown by said ethnic groups, only that it highlights their actions and apparent motives in ways that most members of Western Civilization would find their actions and motives damning. Some people are offended by a factually accurate portrayal of reality, and try to bury it rather than atone or change or deal. I prefer my history honest and uncut, messy, and full of the flawed men and women who were actually there, so we may learn it’s lessons properly.
In witch the fiziks are rong
In my story The Stars Came Back faster-than-light travel and anti-gravity was accomplished by some general hand-waving and techno-babble about physics implied to be more advanced than what we have today here on earth. But what if… what if our fundamental understanding of physics is wrong? Not just in the way that General and Special relativity supposedly updated and refined Newtonian physics, but that the basic underlying principled about the universe, including the math in Einstein’s theories, are flat-out wrong? What if all the string-theory research, phycisists looking for dark matter, scientists trying to perfect nuclear fusion, etc., are all barking up the wrong tree in terms of the basic nature of the problems they are working with? Here are some things for the science and engineering sorts to geek out on. It is looking more and more likely that they are. Continue reading In witch the fiziks are rong
Christmas Music
Sabaton released “Christmas Truce” a month or so ago. Powerful song.
Four items here: official video, lyric video, a history video, then some of my various thoughts and observations.
Three-minute summary of the history of slavery, suitable for a HS history class
Deliberately omitting essential information needed to understand something is a “lie of omission.” This is a common problem in school, sometimes for understandable reasons like time limitations, other times for bad reasons like pushing a political agenda. Just about every people of any significance in world history has practiced slavery, and been slaves. Continue reading Three-minute summary of the history of slavery, suitable for a HS history class
A remote/home school teaching/inspiration idea
I had a homeschooling / tutoring / mostly remote teaching idea. Still need to flesh it out, but here is the general idea: Continue reading A remote/home school teaching/inspiration idea
Fear is the mind-killer
I have, and have read, Meerloo’s “Rape of the mind” which is one of the books this draws heavily on. Very good, if rather depressing. This is an excellent video, with some good sources, not very long, and interesting artwork. It’s clear what they are talking about, without explicitly saying it and getting banned by EweTube. at about te 15 minute mark, when they are talking about isolation and desperation and offing a way out, that’s where we are now.
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune