Slightly odd data-point. A little while ago, my son came down with something that was something like a cross between a cold and normal seasonal allergies. Not bad, just inconvenient and a lot of snot. Something was going around at school (lots of over-the-top coronavirus fears, even though way to many people are vaxxed) and so they went to all-remote teaching for a couple of weeks, so he didn’t miss any school. About the time he started getting better (after a week or so) my wife, and then my daughter, came down with something similar but not the same symptom set. Considering the wife-unit has a history if sinus problems that’s not surprising. a little bit achy, but nothing to write home about.
Then I came down with something. No loss of taste or other normal Covid symptoms, just more like something between a typical sinus infection and a seasonal allergy. Sinus pressure and drainage, sore throat, a bit of coughing and congestion, lots of snot, hard to sleep because when you lay down the angle makes all the snot production make it feel like you are drowning, low energy. No loss of apatite or fever or chills of note.
After a couple of days of that I figure “what the heck, doesn’t feel or sound like any covid case I’ve heard of, but there is no downside to treating it as if it were.” So I bumped the vitamins and NAC, and started a course of Ivermectin. somewhat better in 24 hours, 80% better in 2 days, slept fine and only residual congestion and mucus, and occasional coughing by day 3. Energy more or less normal. Wife and daughter recovering much more slowly. They still have not gotten their covid tests back. from a couple of days ago.
I suspect they will be positive, and I had it. If not, then whatever I had was either nearly identical in symptoms to them but I recovered a lot faster because of the “vitamin I” for something not covid…. In any case, it’s an interesting data-point.
With the covid tests being crap. Hyped to boot. More people are reacting to standard, seasonal ailments by getting tested for covid. So, more cases, even though under normal circumstances one would just live with it after a trip to the pharmacy/health food store. (My fallback remedy for all thing nasal drip is. Honey, lemon, golden seal tea.)
But now we have Quercetin and zinc + D.
Vitamin I always seems like a good thing to have on hand. Wonder if you could get a script by telling your doctor you got worms instead of covid?