Category Archives: Education

War on privilege

by Silviu “Silview” Costinescu

Interesting article, spells out many of the parallels between the rhetoric and actions of the early communists and today’s radical left in all its forms. The voice of experience sees things. “And right after that I’ve witnessed the Overton Window sliding in US from total vilification of communism to active flirting. I saw who pushed it, openly, the same people who made up over three quarters of the early Communist or Bolshevik parties’ highest echelons.” Then he cites names. “The privileged who led the propaganda there are the same ones leading the mainstream media and the communist propaganda in US now.
The most privileged people in the world, always at the controls of both sides, sponsoring the war against privilege.

Once they had taken power, the Bolsheviks didn’t immediately launch Stalin-style mass purges. Instead, the Bolsheviks started off in a way modern Americans would find disturbingly familiar: By legitimizing criminal anarchy and co-opting the justice system.

Yeah. studying history can be sort of dark at time. You study the past so you don’t repeat its mistakes, but you also get to watch others making them. I feel like a low budget Casandra sometimes.

Public Ed Takeover

It is obvious to all who follow public education that something is seriously wrong> Things got off the rails a while ago, and has been wrong for a long while, but in recent years the divergence with reality and the wishes of parents and into rabid left-wing narrative forcing has been monumental. Was it organic? Pushed by a few influential people? Are we imagining things? What’s up?

Over at the eponymous “some Bitch I know” website, she’s put together what she believes is an orchestrated take-over of our education system, titled “The Globalist Takeover of the American Educational System: Part One“, as a means to subvert the nation by simply teaching the kids to hate their own heritage and believe the propaganda of our enemies. Speaking as someone who has been inside it one way or another for a fair while, I can’t see that she’s wrong in the big picture, though we might quibble on details. Certainly our schools are not good for the people of this nation, boys, peoples-of-no-color, traditional sorts of any type, people who value the truth, or anyone not hard left. The people calling the shots clearly hate this country, and the people of it.

Most of the players are well know – Gates, Soros, etc, but some are likely people and orgs you’ve never heard of. If you care about education give it a read.

L v. R

Not surprisingly, people on the political left and right, however you care to define them, see the world rather differently. This stems in part from a different set of values, in part from believing a different set of facts, and in part a totally different view of how to view the world. There are more things, of course, but these three are enough. What’s funny, though, is that we even have a different understanding of how the other side views our views. Or, to quote this article: Continue reading L v. R

Woke is now the law in WA

The governor, Jay “almost as sharp as a marble” Inslee has signed a bill that would mandate Critical Race Theory training for all public school teachers and administrators. So, that means a couple of things.

  1. It violates the state constitution and laws
  2. It violates most school district’s “human dignity” policies
  3. It will cause a major jump in home schooling
  4. It will result in any number of lawsuits at local and state levels
  5. It will cause a lot of public school teachers to leave, either retired or quit
    1. I have no idea what sort of unqualified people will get hired to replace them
    2. This MIGHT be enough to wake up a lot of normie parents
  6. It would be a great time to start my own school
  7. This will create a lot of fear and anger both among teachers and staff on one side, and parents and students on the other. It is the definition of a hostile environment.

Book review, “The Forgotten Slave Trade”

I just finished “The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam“, by Simon Webb. Absolutely great book. It actually covers a lot more of the history of slavery than JUST white Islamic slaves, because there are several closely related parts of the slave-trade that all need to be spelled out to make the whole picture make sense. It doesn’t cover Native American slavery, south or east Asia slavery, but most of the rest of it gets hit. Continue reading Book review, “The Forgotten Slave Trade”

Framework of History

An idea, a proposal, a thought…..

Our current history textbooks for typical school-age kids are total crap for all sorts of reasons. But what do you replace them with? There are a lots of good books with the stories of history within them, but precious few really good school-age textbooks. The kids are drown in a sea of irrelevant details and trivia contained within a huge tree-killer tome filled with bold and underlined key words and colorful pictures, but have no idea about the larger sweep of history for context. What’s needed is a “framework” to hang all those details of events, ideas, people, battles, dates, and so-forth on. So…. here it is, at least in rough-draft brain-storming outline: Continue reading Framework of History

The 50 Shades of Tinder Trap

It’s popular these days to tell girls and young women “you can have it ALL!”

That is a contemptible lie. They can’t. Nor can men. There are always trade-offs to be made. But when you think you can have it all because you bought into the lie, you make bad choices and become disillusioned or worse when things don’t work out the way you thought they were supposed to. Continue reading The 50 Shades of Tinder Trap

Schools are failing boys

I’ve had several rather unsatisfactory interactions with one of my son’s teachers, and the principal of the school he attends. I’ve even gone as high as the head of curriculum and learning, trying to see if factual accuracy where possible was an actual expectation.

Below is a (nearly) final draft of a note I’m considering sending to the Language Arts / Social Studies teacher, the principal, and the curriculum director (all are female). Other than being too long, any thoughts? Continue reading Schools are failing boys

Cycles of history / family

Years ago I read with fascination about the brutal back-stabbery and infighting for power in the court of ancient Persia, how so many siblings committed fratricide and patricide seeking power. But also it was interesting how many extended family groups sought to off their non-family competitors and lock competent people out of the halls of power because of personal ambition, even when the results were clearly not in the best interest of the people of the empire. Continue reading Cycles of history / family