Interview with DR. Judy Mikovits

She has a pretty impressive resume. The Powers That Be have tried to destroy her, discredit her, etc. She’s got a lot of background into on vaccinations and disease in general, things that lead us to where we are today with the Wuhan Flu. Here’s an interview, and then a list of books that may have to add to my ever-growing reading list.

If you can, find these on sources other than the largest book-store and store-front on the planet, to support local bookstores, etc. (Mikovits, Simone Gold, and Joseph Mercola all have some very interesting things to say, for that matter. The fact that the Establishment is trying to silence them speaks volumes about their threat to corporate profits and government control and regulation through FUD).

“UNREPORTED TRUTHS ABOUT COVID-19 AND LOCKDOWNS: Combined Parts 1-3: Death Counts, Lockdowns, and Masks”

I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture, by Simone Gold MD, JD

Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (Children’s Health Defense)
by Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively , et al.

Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases
by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits

The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal by Doctor Joseph Mercola, Ronnie Cummins , et al.

Upgrade Your Immunity with Herbs: Herbal Tonics, Broths, Brews, and Elixirs to Supercharge Your Immune System by Joseph Dr. Mercola

Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption (Children’s Health Defense)
by Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti, Judy Mikovits , et a

1 thought on “Interview with DR. Judy Mikovits

  1. I am so fortunate that i found you on youtube and i got to read your material! Before you were sensored! You have taught me so much about covid and what a hoax it is! What a greedy man fauce is also what a hoax gates is! Thank you for giving info on vaccines and covid! Thank you for being a true Christian! You didnt have to go out and tell us what really is going on! But you stood up for us! Thank you i pray for youand i no the holy spirit is working in you!

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