Some things, such as optical illusions, can hard to see at first, but once seen are clear. I came across a very clearly written post that connects some of the political / activist left’s action plan in a way that makes a whole lot of sense. The scariest part of it is that most of the average people pushing each of these things are basically good, well-meaning people, they will not see it, and think they are unrelated, and have no idea how much damaged they are doing. I’m including the full text as well as the links to the original posts, as it is more than likely one or both at some point will get nuked at some point.
The original Gab that lead me to it. The source thread.
Here is the text of the Josh Daws post, w/o comment:
I’m seeing a lot of people on the right share this meme. While it may be a strong satirical response to those who get lost in nuance, it fundamentally fails to recognize why the left wants to talk to your kids about sexuality. Let’s connect some dots. 🧵 1/23
The left doesn’t want to diddle kids. They want to create little revolutionaries. To do that they need to sever the bond between students and the parents they believe are raising their children to be hateful bigots. 2/23
[link to Twitter post that says]:
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way🎶
Those aren’t just cheesy song lyrics to the left. Children are the key to societal transformation.
This is not so say there are not people who, without any outside influence, would not legitimately have from an organic root cause what the psych-guys call gender dysphoria. But not being happy with yourself to the extent its happening, and in the way it’s happening on a wide-spread basis, and how hard it’s being pushed by so many different left-leaning actors and organizations, and how politically and financially profitably it is being used by those actors, means it is much more likely than not that that the power-people pushing it are taking a page from the military training idea of “you have to break a man down [take away his flaws and weaknesses and make him a relatively blank slate] before you can build him up [make him into a “proper” soldier with the psychological conditioning you want them to have]”. The left is doing that to, attacking the vulnerable, deracinating them and making them hate and despise their own heritage and self, make them ashamed of who and what they are, then offering them a “brave” and “stunning” identity they can have pride in… but is a personal and societal literal dead end.
The fact that this is being pushed far and wide across America in schools everywhere should be noticed, and very concerning. Organically mis-wired people should not be treated badly, or as “special;” they are humans, too, deserving the same basic respect that any human does based upon their actions. People who are gas-lit into this behavior should be pitied and helped to get back on a more normal course. People who claim this and use it deliberately in a maliciously manipulative way deserve all the hate they get, as they are making those who are struggling with it legitimately have a much rougher time, and making it harder for those who realize they’ve been psychologically abused into a self-destructive course to admit they were led astray and get their problems straightened out.
As far as any of this relates to athletics, in my opinion no transgender should be allowed to compete in any athletic competition for score or awards. XX people play on women’s teams, XY people play on men’s teams, anyone claiming to be trans can play on practice squads and intramurals, but never for scholarships, competition teams, or trophies. In the workplace, they should keep their sex life to themselves, just like everyone else. “But it’s a part of my identity!” they may scream… I don’t care, shut up. My wife and kids are a part of my identity, but I have been told by the trans/gay lobby that I can’t talk about them because that would be exclusionary to those who are not married, or can’t have kids, or whatever. OK, fine, then you need to shut the hell up about how you are tucking your genitals until you have surgery, and what your preferred hormone therapy is, too.
If you are trans in the ordinary workplace, present as you’d like, and do so credibly, shut up about your sex life, and do your job competently, don’t make a huge deal out of it or or leverage it for personal gain, and there isn’t a problem. If you want to hit on someone, it’s fraud to not let them know, and don’t be surprised if they react in disgust, as that is their biological reaction that you must respect as a tolerant person.
May add more later…..
I believe that Thomas Sowell articulates it well in his “A Conflict of Visions”.
My understanding of it is that Conservatives accept that human nature is fixed, to a certain extent. That we will never achieve a perfect society because the people who make it up are imperfect. Therefore we examine systems, institutions, cultures and practices and (hopefully) adopt and conserve those which experience shows to produce better results.
Progressives or Leftists DO believe that Utopia can be achieved through the perfection of human nature and human institutions. In order to convince people that the change and expense (often measured in body-counts) are justified, they must be convinced that nothing in the past is good. That there is nothing that is worth preserving. Nothing current that is superior to the vision that they offer of the future.
That is why Progressives are so willing and anxious to denigrate and tear down the traditions that we know work – even if imperfectly – because only then will people tuen to and accept the Utopian fantasy of the Progressives…… that the world will be made perfect if only the power to make decisions is given to the “right” people who will make the “right” decision.
I also think that Jordan Peterson puts it well when he notes that all those on the Left who excuse the consistent dismal failure of such Utopians by claiming that “it wasn’t done right”, are making the impossibly arrogant claim that *they* would be wiser and more benevolent rulers than all those preceding them.
Yup, good points, all. Sowell may not be perfect, but he does make some very astute observations, and has a knack for turning them into clear language.