Data-point. Might be significant, might not be. The plural of “anecdote” isn’t data, but a whole lot of anecdotes can still be observed, noted, and acted upon. [Big update below]
A lot of the reported side-effects from the not-vax are blood-problem-related, including things like sever mensuration and period clots, etc. Some women are even reporting problems with their periods after being around a coworker who got vaxxed. Some might dismiss the website as “just another far right conspiracy-pusher” as their left-wing-approved “fact-checker” tells them to do, but “2+2=4” is true even if Hitler were to say it. The messenger is not synonymous with the message.
My daughter has NOT had the not-vax, and won’t be. She has no history of health problems or nosebleeds or anything like that. She has donate blood with no problem in the past (aside from one time not passing the hematocrit drop test) and got no alerts of problems. She is level-headed and physically healthy, happy, hard-working and honest.
One of her coworkers got the not-vax injection and was feeling like crap, but came in to work anyway. A day or two later later, out of nowhere, my daughter got a serious nosebleed with a huge booger-clot. It wasn’t quite like a slasher-flick scene in the bathroom, but that was only because she can move pretty darn fast when she wants too. I can’t state the exact time sequences because I didn’t put the two events together until I came across this the other day: and reports of “sympathetic” bleeding-related issues.
Point being: if you or ANYONE AROUND YOU gets the not-vax, pay attention to ANY change in your health, particularly blood-related, and make careful note of it. It might be nothing, just a coincidence. Or, well, it might be something. Let us pray that this is just a weird but ultimately insignificant side-effect oddity, and not a harbinger of a dystopian horror movie.
Addendum informational: Interview, Tenpenny, Merritt, other docs.
Addendum: A friend of my son (n=~6) told him that he got a nosebleed shortly after a family member came home from getting the not-vax. Anyone else seeing a trend?
Addendum: Make that four people.
Addendum: Maybe another one (5), an unvaxxed college friend of mine and microbiologist. Lots of bloody nose-clots after all coworkers vaxxed and since, but an unclear history (unclear to me at this time, seeking clarification) of nosebleeds/blood issues before. Details: No injury or other obvious cause for a dramatic up-tic in the frequency and quantity dried blood flaking from the nose. Has had them (small) occasionally in the past, previously assumed to be from air dryness or seasonal allergies. Perhaps a hormonal disruption from something around the vaxx?
Addendum: Six. My brother too, after a bunch of people where he works got vaxxed with the J&J shot, big old bloody nose and clot the following day.
Addendum: Perhaps another one. Not blood, but headache. ” @Viniferamn on Gab
“I sat across from someone at lunch who had just gotten his 2nd shot and that night I had the worse headache i have ever had; shooting pain all night, no sleep. In the morning i could not walk properly and kept lurching into the walls and furniture. No idea what it was but now that you mention this i wonder if there was a correlation.”
Addendum: Another one after visiting her doc from NorwegianPatriot: My mother has been having small nosebleeds frequently the last couple days, after being at her vaccinated health provider. She told me about it after I’d read your post, otherwise we might not have seen the possible connection. At least at this point in time. So that’s Seven.
Addendum on clots: images of lower let clots from covid spike proteins.
Big Update: mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein.
Late Update, in Jan 2024: Midwest Doc- What We’ve Learned from Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports