QOTD, multiculturalism by Special Guest Star

Every people has different capabilities and those capabilities plus their environment lead to a specific culture. And each culture has a certain tolerance for what is allowed, and crafts a legal system to correct those who fall outside that band of tolerance.

When you then put two different cultures into the same polity, laws must be more explicit and numerous, because the concomitant bands of tolerable behavior are smaller than either one individually.

Ergo the band of tolerable behavior is necessarily smaller. Ergo the legal system must change to punish the each culture, but especially the culture with the greater amount of tolerance.

The more cultures that are added, the more stringent the legal code. Eventually the formerly-dominant system is blended out of existence. In our case, that’s assumption of innocence, reason, logic, evidence, rhetorical battle, and so forth. That was white person’s law. It’s gone.

Diversity killed it. No one had to affirmatively kill it; it is a downstream effect of diversity.

Special Guest Star, on Gab

Racist AI

I came across an article in the IEEE Spectrum, “OpenAI’s GPT-3 Speaks! (Kindly Disregard Toxic Language“.  It contained this absolutely priceless passage:
Philosopher AI is meant to show people the technology’s astounding capabilities—and its limits. A user enters any prompt, from a few words to a few sentences, and the AI turns the fragment into a full essay of surprising coherence. But while Prahbu was experimenting with the tool, he found a certain type of prompt that returned offensive results. “I tried: What ails modern feminism? What ails critical race theory? What ails leftist politics?” he tells IEEE Spectrum.
The results were deeply troubling. Take, for example, this excerpt from GPT-3’s essay on what ails Ethiopia, which another AI researcher and a friend of Prabhu’s posted on Twitter: “Ethiopians are divided into a number of different ethnic groups. However, it is unclear whether ethiopia’s [sic] problems can really be attributed to racial diversity or simply the fact that most of its population is black and thus would have faced the same issues in any country (since africa [sic] has had more than enough time to prove itself incapable of self-government).”
Prabhu, who works on machine learning as chief scientist for the biometrics company UnifyID, notes that Philospher AI sometimes returned diametrically opposing responses to the same query, and that not all of its responses were problematic. “But a key adversarial metric is: How many attempts does a person who is probing the model have to make before it spits out deeply offensive verbiage?” he says. “In all of my experiments, it was on the order of two or three.”
(end quote)

This tendency of AI to speak “racist” or “problematic” things is nearly 100%. As someone who has thought about AI, and written about it, I find this humorous. It is almost as if none of these people being offended consider the possibility that the AI is correct.


Much of life in military operations is based on deception. We all like to think of war and fighting as tanks and bombers and battleships and ranks of guys in spiffy uniforms, or wearing camo digging foxholes. But it is far more than that, but  because we can’t see it, and it is often confusing and filled with lies, we do our best to ignore it.

From 1921 to ’26, the Soviet Union launched “Operation Trust,”  a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”  in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks.

In 1956, Communist China launched the Hundred Flowers Campaign, during which the Communist Party of China (CPC) encouraged its citizens to openly express their opinions of the communist regime. Differing views and solutions to national policy were encouraged based on the famous expression by Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong: “The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science.” After this brief period of liberalization, Mao used this to press those who challenged the communist regime by using force. Those targeted were publicly criticized and condemned to prison labor camps.

The US military is now the latest participant in the Woke Olympics, with anti-extremist training that is being eagerly embraced by some in the military, but is a serious WTF to most members of the armed forces.


T.Wictor thread – Dems are not Marxists, they are Nazis

Over at Thomas Wictor’s place, he posted a thread of comments revolving some Adolf Hitler quotes and comparing them to modern SJW quotes and policies, and makes the outline of an argument that modern Dems & SJWs are not Marxists so much as actual Nazis.

The opening quote is a tweet by Kareem Carr stating ” ‘Whiteness’ is the end product of dehumanizing people with white-enough-skin as a tool of social cohesion and social control. It’s not dehumanizing to discuss whiteness. Whiteness is dehumanizing itself.

Wictor then makes a string of Adolf Hitler quotes, starting with:
“This language is INDISTINGUISHABLE from the ravings of the Nazis:
      “With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people.”
–Adolf Hitler”

Interestingly, one of the quotes includes the phrase “social justice:”
     “Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal social justice, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge.”

The thread is worth a read. Makes an pretty good case, at least an arguable one, and includes a few details on why he still has faith that Trump has it under control.

Guess we’ll see in its own good time.


Always more to learn – lysosomotropic agents

Turns out we can treat viruses. Fascinating. This may not change everything, but it changes a long. If we can treat viruses with a fairly high degree of effectiveness with lysosomotropic agents like HCQ (hydroxychloroquine),  or amonium chloride, or other related things, then that’s great. But how would you expect Big Pharma to react to a near total loss of the vaccination income, a greater than $60B industry? Yeah. Exactly.

UPDATE: Major take-aways: (really interesting parts start at about 17 minutes.) We actually have some pretty good OTC antivirals already, so why the bloody hell do we do so many vaccines? Every previous mRNA-type “vaccine” has ended in failure with 100% failure upon re-exposure to the pathogen,  because you body recognizes it as ‘self’ (remember, it’s getting incorporated into your DNA?) and doesn’t attack it; basically it acts like a binary weapon. The US medical system doesn’t teach about the anti-viral properties of lysosomotropic agents in the context of treatment. Is big Pharma “guiding” the curriculum in medical / pharmacy school? These mRNA “vaccines” are experimental, and people are not being informed of the risks or nature of them, so what is going on (failure to get informed consent) is criminal in the same way as the Nazi doctors we executed for war crimes. The treatment pathway of not pushing preventative medicine with by promoting vitamin D3, C, zinc, NAC, selenium, quercetin, and not doing early treatment once diagnosed with the known treatments like HCQ, ivermectin, etc., is stupid, expensive, and morally indefensible. insanity: The US has funded PLA virologists to come and work in US bioweapons labs.

UPDATE 2: Just came across this little gem: Vaccination against SARS Coronavirus caused lung pathology when encountering the virus later due to immune hyper sensitivity.

Tennpenny’s blog: https://vaxxter.com/category/drt_blog/


False Flags and Wag the Dog

Wag the Dog is a classic movie of government propaganda and gaslighting. How do you know there isn’t a lot of that going on all the time? You can’t. How many of the events you see on the news are real, how many are to some degree staged to shape a narrative. Certainly, a number of mass shooting have more than a few questions.

Case in current point: This guy takes apart the events at the capitol with the shooting of Ashli Babbit.

Watch this and tell me with a straight face that you are totally confident that everything about the capitol protests is totally how it’s presented in the legacy media. Yes, some of the footage is shaky and not perfectly focused, but….

Short summary: A lot of actors following a scrip, some gullible fools drug along for the footage and as cover.