All posts by Rolf


What happens if the organs of government have become compromised, infiltrated, or controlled by a foreign power of some sort? How does the military fight that sort of opponent, one who buys judges and congressmen and president’s sons rather than invading with tanks and ships and soldiers in uniform? The US government and military considered this back in the 40s and 50s, and they have a plan for that. Here is a series of posts talking about the theory that that plan, called “devolution” (the opposite of “evolution”), where power devolves from the comped president to the military to take care of business and get things straightened out, then restore the proper president.

The series starts here. Links to the rest are at the bottom of each article. Six parts in all.

Fear is the mind-killer

I have, and have read, Meerloo’s “Rape of the mind” which is one of the books this draws heavily on. Very good, if rather depressing. This is an excellent video, with some good sources, not very long, and interesting artwork. It’s clear what they are talking about, without explicitly saying it and getting banned by EweTube. at about te 15 minute mark, when they are talking about isolation and desperation and offing a way out, that’s where we are now.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

― Frank Herbert, Dune

It’s about to get real

Looks like the shitstorm is just about to hit the industrial airflow device. From here

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is expected Friday to announce a mandatory vaccine policy for all active-duty forces in the U.S. military, Fox News has confirmed.

The directive that all 1.3 million service members will be required to get shots in their arms comes just days after President Biden urged all federal employees to get vaccinated.

Currently, if the numbers are believed, between half and two thirds of the military is vaxxed. The rest have been standing strong under a great deal of pressure. Now comes the critical point- how many will resign/be discharged/ be coerced / arrested / whatever, rather than take the #ClotShot under compulsion? If a third of our military says “FU, better out than dead,” then there are more than a few places in just a wee tad of a pickle. What happens if an entire missile silo group are all on team no-vax? or 80% of a frigate? Or two key guys in a company that makes it all but combat ineffective?

Crunch time. Stock up if you haven’t already. Fuel, food, water, coms, etc. Looks like the next two weeks, with the “Delta Variant” narrative heating up, the AZ audit report due, and now this, along with a rumored trucking strike against any company that imposes a vax-to-work mandate, it’s going to be a hit August.

A brilliant summary of the vax problem

I cannot say if this summary is 100% accurate, but it feels right and explains a lot of what we are seeing out there in the real world. If true, and it should not take long for the right types of Docs to see it and check it out, then while some kinds of damage the spikes do may be irreversible, much of it may be mitigatable, and the Seven Kill Tiger scenario is unlikely with proper actions in the near future. (click to embiggen) Continue reading A brilliant summary of the vax problem

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is about the connection between language and thought.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis takes two forms: that language determines thought or that language influences thought. The former is a much stronger view because it states that one is incapable of understanding a concept for which the language has no name (it also implies that there is no thought without language). There is no empirical evidence supporting the strong version and considerable evidence that thought can proceed without benefit of language. However, the weak version plausibly suggests that different languages can “carve up” the world into different ways — or, put another way, that conceptual thinking can be shaped and constrained by available linguistic categories. As Whorf put it, “We cut nature up, organize it into concepts, ascribe significance as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement to organize it in this way – an agreement that holds throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language”.

This is why controlling language is one of the first things tyrants and those who would control and manipulate other do. Co-opt and corrupt the language, and you can control the thoughts of the people more easily.