All posts by Rolf

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year, all. Hope you have a good one.

No predictions. There are WAY to many variables with a wide range of values, and any sort of reliable information about military actions, the economy, agricultural production, energy production are hard to get, politicians and mega-corps appear bent on suicidal levels or woke and stupid, search engines are failing, and the scenarios for the death rate and disability rate from the vaxx are much to uncertain to do anything more than speculate wildly. Everything from total collapse and billions dead to “muddle through, slowly getting worse” are all plausible.

How does one prepare for that with anything other than prayer and keep on keepin’ on?

Well, here to all of you keepin’ on, I guess.

If you haven’t gotten the booster, DON’T

A study came a little while ago, with the very dry sounding title of “Class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.” A more recent one from November is titled “Conserved longitudinal alterations of anti-S-protein IgG subclasses in disease progression in initial ancestral Wuhan and vaccine breakthrough Delta infections.” The problem outlined is starting to get noticed and understood, as it’s rather technical. It is about the effects on the immune system from the mRNA covid vax. Something like this was hypothesized quite some time ago, and a lot of arguable evidence to support it, but there was no hard data to directly explain the mechanism. Long story short, after 3 doses of the vax appears to trick the immune system into tolerating further exposure to the virus (like a healthy immune system ignores pollen) rather than fighting them (like someone with bad pollen allergies), making a person a walking mutation factory, while also suppressing the ability to clear it… and it increasingly looks like the potential of creating problems clearing other related viruses may also get worse is being realized.

Again, the bottom line is, if you have gotten a shot or two, that’s bad but if you are not dead within six months likely survivable, but the booster is an order of magnitude worse for you immune system (all other bad effects aside), and until you read and understand what this effect is and what will likely happen if you get it, I implore you to say NO to boosters. They are obviously and provably not safe OR effective.

Here are some “plain language” breakdowns of the study, as the study itself is largely incomprehensible to anyone not a medical specialist or an immunologist. We are not quite the zombie apocalypse yet, and we don’t know how long the effect will last, but it looks like, right now, that the 3rd shot, the booster, definitely makes the problem vastly worse.

The trainwreck of all trainwrecks: Billions of people stuck with a broken immune response.

VERY URGENT: Do Covid mRNA vaccines damage our ability to control the coronavirus after a booster shot?


Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and “Chronic Covid

Aw Crap….

New evidence of persistent Spike protein tolerance from breakthrough infections.

IgG4 and cancer – a mechanism of action for cancer relapse and onset.

Short, simple thread: How the discovery of the shots causing more production of IgG4 as opposed to the other classes of antibodies might explain the negative efficacy of the shots.

Each talks about the same problem, but with more or less detail and emphasis and predictions. Long story short, the damage from the vax to the individual immune system is significant, but the damage it might be doing to the overall health of society given how it will cripple masses of people and rise expenses and depress productivity will be… worse.

How and why education “suddenly” went Marxist

Sometimes you watch events happen in real time and it looks absolutely insane and inexplicable, totally at odds with any sort of reasonable and observable reality. You search in vain for any sort of coherent explanation that doesn’t sound to a normie like a total wingnut conspiracy theory, even if you think you have the broad strokes correct. Such is the case with modern “education” in America, where it’s got totally off the rails and deep into a bizarre inverted funhouse-mirror world of Marxist dysfunction, where the teachers and admins appear normal in some ways, but act like total blind cult devotees in others. Continue reading How and why education “suddenly” went Marxist

Deer Hunting 2022, ammo by L.H. Oswald

And herein we have a hunting tale.

Due to circumstances I won’t go in to, this year I’d be heading down to my normal hunting grounds alone on Friday, for opening day Saturday, but would need to head for home no later than about noon Sunday, unless I got a deer last minute and it took past noon to butcher him. So only one and a half days hunting for this outing. I’d be camping out, and decided to go relatively fast and light, with minimal gear and just driving the Jetta (better fuel mileage). Continue reading Deer Hunting 2022, ammo by L.H. Oswald

Not the last vaccine post…

One of the best short videos I’ve ever seen looking at the downside to vaccines. Only about six minutes. Dr Paul Thomas LICENSE is pulled for GOOD data! Covers SIDS and a variety of autoimmune and other disorders over time, with great graphs. At Minute 5:03 he states: “97% of SIDS cases happen in the first 10 days after vaccine!” That is… tragic. I know someone who lost a child years ago to SIDS at a very young age.

Edit: And another one:

Steve Kirsch interviews Pediatrician Michelle Perro speaks out against the COVID vaccines. 90 minutes, lots of interesting details. Also recommends the book “Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” by Anonymous . Talks about the long-term consequences of vaccines and adjuvants as well.

Two years ago I was not generally anti-vax… I am now.

Heretics back up

Publishing rights for Heretics of St. Possenti have been returned to me from Castalia House, and it’s now back up in digital form as a self-published book. The reviews have not yet been transferred over, but that should hopefully happen in a day or two.

There are, as of the time of this post going up, still a couple of the physical print editions up for sale, which still have the reviews. That will get fixed sometime soon, too. If you want to snag a “collectable Castalia House publisher edition” copy, now’s the time.

I will be getting it up in paperback in due course, along with everything else on my digital bookshelf, now that some things are a bit more sorted out.

Vaccine testing point to ponder

Just a point. There is not a single vaccine in America today given on the entire schedule of recommended childhood vaccines that was tested against an entirely unvaccinated control group. Not a single one was tested against a control group with just the solvent injections, (the solvent is the liquid carrier of the active imuno-response causing particles)  which includes things like peanut oil (surge in nut allergies) and other things that read like a witches brew. In every case, they are tested against partially or “otherwise” vaccinated children. Huh. Wonder why they would do that <rhetorical>?


A few books dealing with this topic:

“Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History”
by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk

“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)”
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Just in case you are wondering……

TSCB is back up!

Finally got “The Stars Came Back” back up on Amazon, so the link at right works again.

Long story short, Castalia House is returning publishing rights to some of their authors for reasons I won’t go into, and things like that never go as smoothly as anyone would like. In any case, that one is now back up, and is buyable again. Now I get to work on getting Heretics back up, then getting them both into physical print.

Then I get to work on getting them all over at Ingram Spark. While hopefully continuing to do at least SOME writing.

Happy 4th, I guess

Another anniversary of the declaration of independence. We’ve made some progress on the freedom front in the last week or two, with court cases like WV v EPA  and NY v Bruen.

But the world is still upside down, vax mandates are still killing people, woke is corrupting everything it touches, conservatives can’t keep Guido “Vivian” VanCreeper out of the girls locker room or from reading to the kids at Drag Queen story hour where the word of the day is “grooming.” Taxes are up, inflation is up, gas is up, the economy is imploding, shortages are everywhere, deflation is queued up to whipsaw things in a few months, and the Biden admin and his handlers are hell-bent on starting WWIII (nuclear edition) in UKR, while importing the entire 3rd world here to collect welfare bennies.

Other nations are spiraling the drain. Sharing vax memes on social media can get your midwife license pulled in Australia, for example. Totalitarianism is not creeping, it’s at full charge in many places.

As one person commented at Gab, “the 4th day of the 7th month just doesn’t hit any more. Feels more like a mom who invites everyone over to celebrate the birthday of her dead child.

Yeah. Kind’a like that.

There are many specific things to be seriously bummed about. World, hell, handbasket, some assembly required. On the flip side, there are only vague and shadowy rumors of what might be going well in the dim shadows of the clandestine war to take the country back from the usurpers and cons and compromised and traitorous.

In spite of all that, I’m actually rather hopeful that a whole lot of things will sort themselves out. Things didn’t look too rosy on December 8th, 1941, either. There is actually a lot of good in the world, and a lot of good people, people are slowly waking up to some of the evils of the world that have been hidden and festering for a long time. The country and the world has a rocky few years ahead. Maybe a rough few decades. But hard times make strong men. Times have been soft here for generations. We’ll muddle through.

Well. Happy 4th.