All posts by Rolf

TSCB is back up!

Finally got “The Stars Came Back” back up on Amazon, so the link at right works again.

Long story short, Castalia House is returning publishing rights to some of their authors for reasons I won’t go into, and things like that never go as smoothly as anyone would like. In any case, that one is now back up, and is buyable again. Now I get to work on getting Heretics back up, then getting them both into physical print.

Then I get to work on getting them all over at Ingram Spark. While hopefully continuing to do at least SOME writing.

Happy 4th, I guess

Another anniversary of the declaration of independence. We’ve made some progress on the freedom front in the last week or two, with court cases like WV v EPA  and NY v Bruen.

But the world is still upside down, vax mandates are still killing people, woke is corrupting everything it touches, conservatives can’t keep Guido “Vivian” VanCreeper out of the girls locker room or from reading to the kids at Drag Queen story hour where the word of the day is “grooming.” Taxes are up, inflation is up, gas is up, the economy is imploding, shortages are everywhere, deflation is queued up to whipsaw things in a few months, and the Biden admin and his handlers are hell-bent on starting WWIII (nuclear edition) in UKR, while importing the entire 3rd world here to collect welfare bennies.

Other nations are spiraling the drain. Sharing vax memes on social media can get your midwife license pulled in Australia, for example. Totalitarianism is not creeping, it’s at full charge in many places.

As one person commented at Gab, “the 4th day of the 7th month just doesn’t hit any more. Feels more like a mom who invites everyone over to celebrate the birthday of her dead child.

Yeah. Kind’a like that.

There are many specific things to be seriously bummed about. World, hell, handbasket, some assembly required. On the flip side, there are only vague and shadowy rumors of what might be going well in the dim shadows of the clandestine war to take the country back from the usurpers and cons and compromised and traitorous.

In spite of all that, I’m actually rather hopeful that a whole lot of things will sort themselves out. Things didn’t look too rosy on December 8th, 1941, either. There is actually a lot of good in the world, and a lot of good people, people are slowly waking up to some of the evils of the world that have been hidden and festering for a long time. The country and the world has a rocky few years ahead. Maybe a rough few decades. But hard times make strong men. Times have been soft here for generations. We’ll muddle through.

Well. Happy 4th.

That was (relatively) fast

The Supreme court has directed district courts to reconsider some cases in light of the Bruen decision.

One of these, the 9th Circuit item, will directly affect the WA state mag limit law. They said:

Petition GRANTED. Judgment VACATED and case REMANDED for further consideration in light of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U. S. ___ (2022).

It should be a pretty much immediate “that law isn’t legal, it’s struck down” this week. I think Joe’s take is more realistic, quote:

My prediction:

  1. They will initially say it doesn’t apply to them because the case remanded was in California and Washington is “different”.
  2. They should be prosecuted, but nothing will happen in that direction.
  3. SAF’s lawsuit will have to go to the judge which will respond to a petition for summary judgement.
  4. The judge will delay because the 9th Circuit is taking their time responding to reality.
  5. The 9th Circuit will delay at least a few months.
  6. The Washington case will be resolved a month or more after the 9th decides.

So… we will be deprived of our rights until the end of the year or maybe the first quarter of 2023. And none of the criminals who deprived us of our rights will even be considered for prosecution.

End quote.

Sadly, he’s likely correct. Maybe it can be made a winning issue in the election.

Magazine limit law

Just for the record, in light of the stupid law signed by Governor MeatPuppet that bans sale, importation, yadda yadda of normal capacity magazine (that they stupidly call “large capacity magazines,” when things like the 30-rnd AR-15 mag has been standard for about sixty years, since before I was born) that comes into effect starting July 1st of this year, I have given a number of my magazines, both for guns I currently own and some I purchases speculatively because of mag limit ban nonsense over the year for guns I thought I might one day buy, so that when they inherit my guns no magazines need be transferred, as they already belong to them.

Now I’m 99% sure this mag ban won’t stand for long, as it clearly violates both the WA state and US constitutional protections, and violates a 5th Circuit decision striking down a nearly identical magazine ban (which is now in conflict with the 9th Circuit decision, meaning the SCOTUS will likely hear them next season), but just in case…. the mags in the house and storage and elsewhere are not all mine at this time, even if I bought them.

Just so you know.

Happy(?) Memorial Day

Today is the day we remember those who served their country in uniform, and paid the ultimate price. Some died in war doing noble things, some died in peacetime doing something stupid, some were honorable, some were right bastards, but all signed up, raised their hand, and swore to do what they were ordered to do to protect the nation.

I served. My dad and some uncles served. My grandpa served. A great aunt served. My brother-in-law just recently retired from an Air Force career. I’m pretty sure there are a number of more-distant relatives who served at different times, either for a single enlistment or a career, drafted or volunteer. I don’t know of any who died in uniform.  But I’m glad they were willing to do so if needed.

The country has changed fairly radically since I served in the Army Reserve, joining when the Soviet Union was still a thing. I cannot recommend it to anyone who is a patriot, now. “Woke” and military service are a really bad combination. Too much of the military has been corrupted, subverted, and the leadership has too many RMEFs, foreigners, compromised perfumed princes, careerists, and socialists. To much leadership is hostile to the Constitution, too many are incompetent diversity hires. These days, the military is just a tool of corrupt and evil leaders in this once-great nation.

To those who served honorably and paid the price, may God take you in and protect your soul for eternity, and protect your family here in this life.

K-12 Sex Ed

Per RCW 28A.300.475 Starting next year, schools in WA state will be required to deliver “Comprehensive Sex Education” K-12. Specifically:
(2)(b) Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, comprehensive sexual health education must be provided to all public school students.
(c) The provision of comprehensive sexual health education to public school students as required by (a) and (b) of this subsection (2) must be provided no less than:
(i) Once to students in kindergarten through grade three;
(ii) Once to students in grades four through five;
(iii) Twice to students in grades six through eight; and
(iv) Twice to students in grades nine through twelve. Continue reading K-12 Sex Ed

And the ‘rona moves on

It is Sunday night. Almost exactly one week ago, late in the night of last Sunday, the first symptoms of Covid19 showed up in my life. The timing was sort of a bummer, as this weekend was boomershoot, and I would have been driving over Thursday and camping out. I decided the wisest course of action was to not stress myself, and to not possibly spread it to others or even make them nervous when they were off having a good time whacking boomers, so I stayed home. Continue reading And the ‘rona moves on