The Constitution’s Seven Money Clauses

In an essay by DEAN CLANCY, we take a closer look at what money is, what the US Constitution says about money, and why it is important to today’s political events. About a ten minute read. a number of things I’ve not seen discussed elsewhere before.

There are a couple of angels on things there that are first for me, such as : “5. Fiat money notes (‘bills of credit’) are forbidden.” Equating fiat money with bills of credit is interesting.

Overall, well worth a read if you are into money or politics.

FWIW, at the current price of silver, $20 in constitutional dollars of silver is worth about $380 in Federal Reserve Notes.


The connection between CRT and the trans/gay agenda

Some things, such as optical illusions, can hard to see at first, but once seen are clear. I came across a very clearly written post that connects some of the political / activist left’s action plan in a way that makes a whole lot of sense. The scariest part of it is that most of the average people pushing each of these things are basically good, well-meaning people, they will not see it, and think they are unrelated, and have no idea how much damaged they are doing. I’m including the full text as well as the links to the original posts, as it is more than likely one or both at some point will get nuked at some point.

The original Gab that lead me to it. The source thread. Continue reading The connection between CRT and the trans/gay agenda

200 YT

HA! Found a copy of the full text of “200 Years Together” in English, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. All of its nearly 8.5″ x 11″ 800 pages.

It is also at the Internet Archive, here. They also have the redacted version there, which is missing some 300 or so pages.

The Russian-language version is available in book form, but there has been a lot of pressure in certain circles to omit several parts in any English version because they reflect badly on certain ethnic groups. Inaccuracy is never shown by said ethnic groups, only that it highlights their actions and apparent motives in ways that most members of Western Civilization would find their actions and motives damning. Some people are offended by a factually accurate portrayal of reality, and try to bury it rather than atone or change or deal. I prefer my history honest and uncut, messy, and full of the flawed men and women who were actually there, so we may learn it’s lessons properly.


Turkey is NATO for some odd reason. They get most of their wheat from Russia.


  • The current tiff between Russia and Ukraine
  • March is normally planting time for UKR wheat
  • Harvests in China have totally sucked the last few years
  • The wheat harvest in the PNW sucked hard last year
  • China would gladly buy all Russian wheat
  • World wheat stockpiles are down
  • US grain bins are not exactly overflowing
  • Russia is one of the largest exporters of fertilizer in the world, and that is likely to be disrupted so many foreign harvests will be down even if weather is perfect
  • The value of AUS and Argentine (major southern hemisphere exporters now harvesting) wheat is up, but actual tonnage increase is nowhere near enough to make up the different in production/demand imbalance

I would expect food prices, even of staples, to soar. Meanwhile the Green agenda has us burning many tons of corn in our gas tanks.

Got garden?

Covid or seasonal allergies?

Slightly odd data-point. A little while ago, my son came down with something that was something like a cross between a cold and normal seasonal allergies. Not bad, just inconvenient and a lot of snot. Something was going around at school (lots of over-the-top coronavirus fears, even though way to many people are vaxxed) and so they went to all-remote teaching for a couple of weeks, so he didn’t miss any school. About the time he started getting better (after a week or so) my wife, and then my daughter, came down with something similar but not the same symptom set. Considering the wife-unit has a history if sinus problems that’s not surprising. a little bit achy, but nothing to write home about.

Then I came down with something. No loss of taste or other normal Covid symptoms, just more like something between a typical sinus infection and a seasonal allergy. Sinus pressure and drainage, sore throat, a bit of coughing and congestion, lots of snot, hard to sleep because when you lay down the angle makes all the snot production make it feel like you are drowning, low energy. No loss of apatite or fever or chills of note.

After a couple of days of that I figure “what the heck, doesn’t feel or sound like any covid case I’ve heard of, but there is no downside to treating it as if it were.” So I bumped the vitamins and NAC, and started a course of Ivermectin. somewhat better in 24 hours, 80% better in 2 days, slept fine and only residual congestion and mucus, and occasional coughing by day 3. Energy more or less normal. Wife and daughter recovering much more slowly. They still have not gotten their covid tests back. from a couple of days ago.

I suspect they will be positive, and I had it. If not, then whatever I had was either nearly identical in symptoms to them but I recovered a lot faster because of the “vitamin I” for something not covid…. In any case, it’s an interesting data-point.

In witch the fiziks are rong

In my story The Stars Came Back faster-than-light travel and anti-gravity was accomplished by some general hand-waving and techno-babble about physics implied to be more advanced than what we have today here on earth. But what if… what if our fundamental understanding of physics is wrong? Not just in the way that General and Special relativity  supposedly updated and refined Newtonian physics, but that the basic underlying principled about the universe, including the math in Einstein’s theories, are flat-out wrong?  What if all the string-theory research, phycisists looking for dark matter, scientists trying to perfect nuclear fusion, etc., are all barking up the wrong tree in terms of the basic nature of the problems they are working with? Here are some things for the science and engineering sorts to geek out on. It is looking more and more likely that they are. Continue reading In witch the fiziks are rong